
Hi, welcome to my about me page. I’m Michelle, I’m a sound designer, voice actor, foley artist, writer, comic, and blanket knitter based in Vancouver Canada. Does that seem like a lot? Well, guess what, I’m a lot. So get used to it.

While I’m fairly new to the audio industry I have been in and around the arts for years, starting my improv comedy career in Calgary Alberta before moving to Vancouver to pursue acting, writing, and comedy. And remember those blankets I mentioned before? Well, I’ve been knitting those since I was a child, and I’m pretty good at it if I do say so myself.

But you probably don’t want to hear about my knitting, you want to hear about my sound design. I got into audio because of my love of story telling, cartoons, and silly voices and characters. From podcasts to audiobooks to just the basic human voice I’ve always viewed audio as the cleanest, most convenient, and creative form of storytelling.

I began my audio journey at LaSalle College Vancouver where I honed my recording, editing, and processing skills. Also, any time we had an online class I got to knit my blankets. I got so much knitting done. I started a blanket that’s 10ft wide, and I’m still working on it. It’s going to take me forever… Sorry… I gotta stop bringing up knitting, that’s not why you’re here.

Okay, um… audio… I love it. There’s nothing more satisfying than recording, building, and fine-tuning a story, the only thing I can think of that’s as satisfying is creating an entire blanket out of nothing but a couple knitting needles and some yarn. And I know what you’re thinking, “Michelle, do you knit anything other than blankets?” and the answer is no, because while there are many facets of audio that I love, whether it be recording foley and voiceover for animation or cleaning up dialogue for film, when I knit I only want to make blankets.

The end.